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Mailsuite 1 0 2 – Manage Mail Like A Maven

In REST API Design Tutorial, we learned to put the REST principles onto design process of a network application. In this post, we will learn to create REST APIs using JAX-RS 2.0 (Java API for RESTful Services).

JAX-RS 2.0 Specification

JAX-RS provides portable APIs for developing, exposing, and accessing Web applications designed and implemented in compliance with principles of REST architectural style.

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The Java EE 6 release took the first step towards standardizing RESTful web service APIs by introducing a Java API for RESTful web services (JAX-RS) [JSR 311]. JAX-RS ensures portability of REST API code across all Java EE-compliant application servers. The latest version is JAX-RS 2.0 [JSR 339], which was released as part of the Java EE 7 platform.

JAX-RS focuses on applying Java annotations to plain Java objects. JAX-RS has annotations to bind specific URI patterns and HTTP operations to specific methods of your Java class. It also has annotations that can help you handle input/output parameters.

As we already said that JAX-RS is specification; it means we need to have its implementation to run REST API code. Some of the popular JAX-RS implementations available today are:

JAX-RS 2.0 Annotations

Fun software for windows 7. Let’s go through some essential annotations provided by JAX-RS 2.0.


It is used to match the URI path, which is relative to base URI. Online casino denmark. It can be specified on resource class or method.

Android games on xbox one. Sets the path to base URL + /resourcePath. The base URL is based on your application name, the servlet and the URL pattern from the web.xml configuration file.


Annotated method will handle the HTTP POST requests on matching resource path.


Annotated method will handle the HTTP PUT requests on matching resource path.


Annotated method will handle the HTTP GET requests on matching resource path.



Annotated method will handle the HTTP DELETE requests on matching resource path.


It is used to inject values (resource identifiers) from the URL into a method parameter.

In above example, the value of id from /{id} will match to @PathParam('id') Integer id. For example, URI HTTP DELETE /configurations/22312 will be mapped to above method and id will be populated with value 22312.


It defines which MIME type is delivered by annotated resource methods. It can be defined at class level as well as method level. If defined at class level, all methods inside resource class will be returning the same MIME type, if not overridden in any method.


It defines which MIME type is consumed by annotated resource method.


To build HATEOAS links, JAX-RS 2.0 provides UriInfo class which can be obtained using the @Context annotation.

By default the JAX-RS runtime will automatically support the methods HEAD and OPTIONS, if not explicitly implemented. For HEAD the runtime will invoke the implemented GET method (if present) and ignore the response entity (if set). The OPTIONS method can return a response with a set of supported resource methods in the ‘Allow’ header.

Create Maven Application

Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool including project build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information i.e. pom.xml.

Air buddy 1 3 hour. To create an application using maven in eclipse, follow these steps:

  • Open new project wizard from File > New > Maven Project
  • Click on Next
  • Select maven-archtype-webapp
  • Fill project details and click on Finish

Include JAX-RS Dependencies to Application

JAX-RS 2.0 comes bundled with JDK 1.7, so if you have JDK 1.7 or higher version in JAVA_HOME then you don’t need to include JAX-RS separately. However, you will need to include one of its implementations listed above.

In this example, I am using RESTEasy 3.1.2.Final.

resteasy-servlet-initializer artifact enable automatic scanning for resources and providers in Servlet 3.0 containers.

Create Resource Representations

In JAX-RS, resource representations are POJO classes annotated with JAXB annotations i.e. @XmlRootElement, @XmlAttribute and @XmlElement etc.

In this example, we are exposing two representations. Let’s create java classes for them.

1) Configurations collection resource
2) Configuration resource
3) Message resource [to inform client when no resource representation needed]

Additionally, we have simulated the DB functionality using ConfigurationDB class. It exposes static utility methods for CRUD operations in configuration resource collection and individual configuration resources.

Create REST Resource

We have already learned about JAX-RS annotations in the second section. Let’s apply them to REST resources and map HTTP methods on operations on REST resources.

I have added self-explanatory code comments above each method to explain it.

Register Resource in Runtime

To register JAX-RS REST resource with server’s runtime, you will need to extend javax.ws.rs.core.Application class and put it in application’s classpath.

Here @ApplicationPath annotation identifies this class as REST application to automatic scanning process in servlet 3.0 containers. It helps in making web.xml file almost empty – with no REST specific configuration at all.


Build and deploy this project to any web server and start the server. Now test the REST APIs by invoking above URIs on any browser client.

HTTP GET http://localhost:8080/NetworkManagement/network-management/configurations

Fetch collection of configurations.

HTTP GET http://localhost:8080/NetworkManagement/network-management/configurations/1

Fetch individual configuration.

HTTP POST http://localhost:8080/NetworkManagement/network-management/configurations

Create a new configuration resource.

HTTP PUT http://localhost:8080/NetworkManagement/network-management/configurations/1

Mailsuite 1 0 2 – Manage Mail Like A Maven Download

Update configuration resource.

HTTP DELETE http://localhost:8080/NetworkManagement/network-management/configurations/1

Remove configuration resource.

Click on the given download link to download source code for this application.

Mailsuite 1 0 2 – Manage Mail Like A Maven File

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